Mr. Anthony’s Class Syllabus
I am excited to have your child in my classroom for the 2023-2024 school year. The Elementary Special Education Team consists of myself, Coach Hannah Osborn and Mrs. Samantha Whitney. As a team, we will make every effort to advance your child’s education while also making it an enjoyable learning environment for them.
- Respect your peers, the teacher and the classroom
- Walk at all times
- Use your inside voice
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Be ready to work
- Breaks are earned and awarded at the teacher/para’s discretion
Discipline Matrix:
- Verbal conversation and redirection
- Phone call to parent/guardian
- Referral to office
Cell Phone and Smart Watch Expectation:
All telecommunication devices and headphones/earbuds should be powered off and kept in the students' backpacks. Backpacks are to be kept in lockers. In accordance with the 2023-2024 BISD student handbook, “The district permits students to possess personal cell phones, smart watches, and other telecommunications devices for safety purposes; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.”
If communication is needed, it should be carried out through the main office. Students will be allowed to check their devices once a day before traveling to lunch.
(Cell Phone and Smart Watch Expectation Continued)
Lastly, in accordance with the 2023-2024 BISD student handbook, “If a student uses a cell phone, smart watch, or telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The student or parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the main office for a fee of $15.”
2023-2024 Schedule:
1st Period
Coach A & Coach O at JH Athletics; Mrs. W Elementary Math, ELAR
2nd Period
Elementary Math, ELAR
3rd Period
Elementary Math, ELAR
4th Period
Elementary Math, ELAR
5th Period
Elementary Math, ELAR
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Coach A & Coach O at HS Athletics
Grading Policy:
- Major Grades (50%) – Each Student will receive 2 major grades per 6 weeks. This will consist of summative test grades.
- Minor Grades (50%) – Each Student will receive 10 minor grades per 6 weeks. These grades will be made up of quizzes, homework, class discussions and other activities.
- Make-Up Work – Students will be given assignments upon their return. Late work policy shall go into effect if assignments are not submitted by the new designated date.
- Late work -- 10% shall be deducted per day assignments are late.
- Below 70 – Students are encourage to attend RTI tutoring sessions for re-teach lessons and opportunities to correct assignments for a grade no higher than 70%
Teacher Communication: The best time to reach me by phone is during the above highlighted conference/planning periods. Please call the school at 254-531-2341 and ask to be transferred to me. My preferred method of contact is via email and you can reach me at [email protected]. I will do my best to answer your email on the same day you sent it, but there are times when I am traveling (for example Volleyball, Basketball games, etc.) and in those situations I will respond within 24 hours.
Phone: 254-531-2341
Email: [email protected]